30 July 2010

something sweet happen ...

its happen so fast.
never predict it will happen like diz.
but im afraid to assume more.
better i act cool n let it flow the wind itself heee..

i hope its not an ending but its juz d beginning for something sweet..
hope diz is the one that i been search  diz whole time.

(^_^).... heeee

today kelas pg smpai ke ptg..
bored jer aktiviti huhu.
magrib td ,sound kt someone jgn tido time2 magrib xelok..(alim la konon)

5minit after that..
guess what..
aku pon juin tertido kul9mlm baru bgn..hahaha..
(bkn salah aku, ni pengaruh mata yg xleh than godaan setan yg sedang berdangdut d ats mataku..heee

bgn tido terus kalut2 ciap g pasar malam ,'
tujuan utk beli earphone..tercapai yeay!!

thanx to qasim coz sudi companykan g beli.
love my new earphone heee..(ciwi kejap)

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